the end of the world

Date: 6/26/2016

By pandiepie123

I was riding my bike to school and decided to stop by the store. I walked in and looked at the candy, one of the employees asked if I was gonna buy anything thing, but I said I didn't have any money. this random women walked up to me and said she would give me some money, she gave me ten dollars and I bought something. but then someone screamed "Avalanche!". what makes this even more weird is that it was a really hot day, and there was no snow! I was freaking out, but someone told me to stay inside the store. I looked outside and saw a bunch of people get swept away from water, but I saw this little girl by a way out, she was helping her friends. so I got on my bike and road to them, but half way there I noticed something weird, her eyes glowed green, but I didn't care. they said "this is a way out" so I followed them through a tunnel. I road my bike home and ran inside, everyone was fine, I walked into a room and there where two little girls saying "this is a way out", they where pointing to a hole in the wall that go's outside, there eye's glowed green, I stuck my head out the hole and saw this little girl fighting thing that looked like a monster with a spoon. I got back inside and looked through a window, and there was these jets flying around outside that where talking! and destroying everything! one of them saw me and picked me and the rest of my family into the air, but some guy saved us. we all went back into the house and he said we need to stay on the first floor because they can't see us, so I grabbed some blankets and covered the windows so no one could see inside. I walked around the house and my parents and some of my siblings where gone. just my and two of my sister's and my baby brother. but I couldn't find him, even though I heard him crying, so I looked upstairs and saw him in a crib. but then that guy that saved us came back, and said those jets could possess humans. that wasn't my baby brother, and those weren't my sisters. time kind of jumped now, and I was in someone's house. There was this girl and this boy that where siblings. I walked outside and the sky was dark purple, and there was a garden with lots of food. we went swimming and I almost drowned. I was walking around and saw this dog inside a doghouse and played with it. then I woke up.