Date: 4/15/2024

By DreamBabyCloud

Was holding and loving up on a kitten that’d jumped into my hands and suddenly the kitten transformed into a man - that’s when I went lucid - who said his name, and damn I’ve since forgotten. And he said to me he’s going to give me a “predictory reading”, is how he put it. He said my relationship is about to transform hugely. He said I’ll be filling auditoriums to give talks. Huh?! He said other things that are so fuzzy now. But he put his lips to my third eye and some crazy good energetic frequency happened. AMAZING encounter via Dreamtime!!!! Right before this happened, or sometime before it, I felt a quick short buzz in my bed right under me. Then, right after I wrote out this scenario and was trying to go back to sleep, I heard a rush of wind and dry leaves blowing for a second then it was gone….all awhile super awake. Wow!!!