Date: 2/16/2018
By Dreamberrie
Axel and I moved into a new place with Janelle and two other biys I didn't know. At first we chose a room but later swapped for another one as it was closer to the bathroom and didn't share a wall with any of the others. All the boys were playing a game, but if they didn't play often enough the evil female character in the game would come to the house in real life and try to kill you. She could see through walls as well. I could hear her outside so I quickly left the house. I walked out the front to see our street blocked off and lots of people standing around. A lady apologised to me for blocking off the street and said she didn't she my car. She said the hospital was being evacuated. I drove to a car park where I was parked next to a car of boys who were driving off with their bonnet up. I asked if they wanted it down and they said yes but it was pretty fucked. I spent ages and 6 atrempts to close it and get there in the end. I had to take out the stick that holds up the bonnet and re-attach it. I then found a whole box of shells and looked through them to find some hermit crabs. A lot of them were snails and one abalone which I moved to the side. A girl came up to me with some lettuce to feed them and I spent a while feeding them one by one. I had to dangle the lettuce in front of them and they opened their mouths and ate it. Suddenly someone came running at me with a basket with a baby gorilla in it. The girl that gave me the lettuce grabbed anothet basket and flipped it to trap it but missed and it escaped. She quickly grabbed it and a knife and slit it's through then beheaded it. I didn't look away but wasn't grossed out or horrified.