Car accident, eating competition, and tigers.

Date: 2/5/2019

By ratherrare

First Dream: I was at my grandmas house that she used to live in, the one on Beverly Street. I was hanging out in the front yard when I heard a bang and saw a ran speeding down the road. I saw that the car had hit my car and left a huge dent. I began chasing after it, somehow I ran fast enough to get right behind it. The car noticed me and began swerving so I couldn’t get a plate. I got on my phone and called 911 and the person in the car thought I had gotten their license plate. I didn’t but I wanted them to think I had. They stopped and got out of their car. It was a middle aged Asian man and his son. He began yelling at me saying I was going to pay for this. Him referring to the white paint that got onto his his car when he crashed into my car, that was parked in the driveway. I said the cops are on the way and that they are going to see that it was his fault. He then said “Let’s settle this over sushi at Target while you’re at work.” I was confused, how did he know where I worked. He said he has seen me there today and knows my schedule. I went back to my car to look at the damage that was done. The entire left side was crushed and ruined. I knew I was going to be able to get a new car, there was no way they were getting out of this. The Man began explaining that he was coming out of the same driveway, I said that doesn’t make sense, 1. This is my grandmas driveway and 2. Your car wouldn’t even fit into there. Second Dream: I was going to this new vegan food place in town. It was the grand opening, it wasn’t just a restaurant it was an eating competition. You had to eat food certain ways and who ever does it the fastest is the overall winner. The first challenge was a vegan icee that you had to maneuver into eating without getting a brain freeze in 49 seconds. Lots of people from my high school were there and I sat with them. I saw that Jay and Storm were there and that instantly made me want to leave. Sam came with me but he went over and sat next to them. I got mad and went to the bathroom, right in time for Storm to scream “Rachel the games about to start!” I came back out from the bathroom and everyone was eating the icee’s. I began chugging mine, that was a bad idea and didn’t work. I lost, the idea of that challenge was to melt the ice and just drink it like it was a regular liquid. Third Dream : Sam and I were driving, something had happened before this part I just can’t remember. We saw a playground and went over to it. There were animals on the playground, it looked like a cat. We climbed up on the playground and I noticed a Bobcat approaching the other cat. I pointed this out to Sam but he wasn’t too worried by it. The grass surrounding the playground was super tall, taller than me. The bobcat stayed away from us but continued to play with the other cat. I then noticed a Tiger in the grass. I froze. I tried telling Sam not to move because the Tiger was watching us, it looked like it was ready to pounce. I moved my eyes to see where the cat and bobcat were and saw three other Tigers in the grass watching us. I didn’t know what to and Sam didn’t seem to care. One Tiger began walking over to the playground, this was it. I had to do something. The car was a few yards away. I got onto the slide that was facing the car. The Tiger came right up to the slide but went behind and beneath it. I slid down slowly, in case it came back I could crawl back up the slide. When I got to the bottom and didn’t see it in sight I sprinted to the car. Luckily it was unlocked and I started it. Sam was still at the playground but was soon as I got in the drivers seat the car took off. I couldn’t control it, I crashed a little bit and finally turned back around the reduce sam. When I got back to the playground Sam was walking up to the car and I didn’t see the cats or Tigers anymore.