Friend and me killed

Date: 8/10/2018

By parisleech13

My friend was having an affair with her boss (who is 60+) and thought the wife didn’t know. So my friend received a text from her boss saying would you like to go bowling or something and her being her she said yes but wanted to bring me and I couldn’t deny because I would feel bad. So, I got on this train and it seemed really old but it wasn’t a steam train. But it was going through old parts of towns which were all broken metal and really scrappy and covered in graffiti and over grown grass and trees. But anyway, i arrived and met with her a few metres away from the “bowling alley” and it looked really old and abandoned and I was like to my friend “hey. This seems dodgy. Let’s just go back home.” And I kept repeating it as we were walking up but she kept saying “no it’s fine. Stop worrying.” But as we were walking up to the “bowling alley.” There was a really high Boulevard sort of thing where people could walk or park their cars and I kept seeing shadows walking around and I kept repeating to my friend “let’s go home. It doesn’t seem right.” But she just ignored me. So, we go inside and there’s this oak sort of bench and the cushions on it were green. It was the sort of thing you’d find in a pub and the room seemed like a pub storage room because there were planks of wood covered in white sheets in one corners and also a broken arcade casino game. So the back of the bench was facing the door and my friend walked around and sat on it. There was a boy sat there who had blonde hair, had blue eyes and wore a white shirt. And then leaned up the arcade game was a girl. So we sit there for a few minutes doing nothing but I’m thinking “no. This is dodgy. Somethings going to happen.” Then the bell goes. Indicating someone’s obviously come in so I turn around to see this woman who was thin and a little old. She had blonde hair cut into a bob but it was really strawy and he just looks at Sophie and is like “he’s my husband.” Then out of know where this girl pops up from behind the oak bench and holds a machete to my friends throat and then the wife then repeats “he’s my husband.” Before my friends throat is slit. So I’m panicking and run into this small kitchen/storage room and saw my friend slowly follow me. Gripping her neck before dropping to the ground and I see this X-Acto knife and I pick it up and in my head I was thinking “right. I’d rather die by killing myself than someone killing me.” So then I think and was about to stab it into my stomach but stop and think. “No. That means I have a 50% chance of not dying.” So I I bring it to my throat but hesitate but then I see the wife and 2 girls running to my friend obviously needing to expose the body and that’s when I slit my throat and I remember finding it really hard to breathe and dropping the X-Acto knife and holding the counter before the boy comes in and I remember exactly that he had little blood stains on his white shirt and his hair was a mess but we acknowledge each other and I make eye contact as if to say “just kill me.” So somehow, there was a sink I’ll of water behind me and he pushed me down into the water but before I could even be drowned I closed my eyes and that’s when I woke up crying and gasping for air.