Date: 11/27/2016
By Serena
Dream 1: I was at the lockers I saw the locker next to mine had the Barbie dolls I won last dream (I don't remember much of my last dream) I grabbed all the Barbie dolls and shoved them in my locker luckily the owner of the locker didn't notice :) Dream 2 Part 1: I lost my dad at a theatre I looked all around the theatre I figured he wouldn't be in the theatre by now so I jumped off the theatre roof everyone was saying "are you okay" to me I was like "I'm fine ok" and walked in the theatre and went out the exit Dream 2 Part 2: I think I found dad because I was walking with him he asked "how was the movie" I said "great!" Everyone except dad started saying "are you okay" again and I woke up I thought this was lucid it is not I preformed a reality check by looking at my hands I had an extra finger but I soon forgot it was a dream I did preform WILD also kinda did preform MILD I woke up for 30 minutes and went back to sleep and Dream 2 resumed