Date: 11/7/2019
By pinkstar16121
I remember these being with these women and swinging on this swing that had these flowers all on it. That symbolized marriage. Then, I remember worrying about how I would look as I aged, particularly my skin, and I was really dead set on moisturizing. I remember this guy who is a YouTuber I am subscribed to was in my dream probably because as I was scrolling through my feed last night, one of his videos popped up. I had a crush on him in the dream (kinda do irl too, he's cute), and I got the vibe he liked me too, but he wouldn't make a move on me. Then, he was hitting on this other girl who was like 17. He told her if she wasn't 17 he'd kiss her. I found it to be weird and I was also a little jealous of the attention she was getting. The last part I remember is being in this house and finding this dog water bowl with what me and this guy called sludge in it. It was like basically mud the water was so dirty, it wasn't even water. We were so appalled.