I Thought I Was Awake

Date: 12/21/2019

By leathecage

I woke up three hours before my alarm, and I knew that because I asked my Alexa what the time was. I kept doing that every ten minutes or so because I was paranoid and couldn't see to fall back to sleep. Eventually I did, and the dream was just me trying to sleep and trying to ask my Alexa what the time was, but I couldn't get the words out. Eventually I gave up and figured I was having those very realistic dreams that I get sometimes. Eventually, in my dream I had a dream I was in this Air BnB with my parents and brother. The house was small and cute, also located on farmland far away from civilization. I started playing a Castlevania game that was based on the Netflix show, and it had a really good soundtrack. I wished how I could play the game all day, but I had somewhere to be. I thought about asking Alexa the time, then only thinking to myself if I was dreaming. I found it odd that my parent took me and my brother, two grown adults, on a trip with them. But then I thought of the song in my game, thinking there was no way my brain made it up— unless it was from something else and I just couldn't remember. I then left and hopped in the driver's seat of this limo. I drove it on this empty, windy road that went through the forest. I realised the limo was self driving, so I let go of the wheel and removed my foot from the gas. Everything drove smoothly, but I quickly got bored and began driving myself. I then went to my old place of employment, a craft store, and went inside fearing I'd see my old boss, but I needed to get somethings. I ended up slinking around the back corners of the store and left without buying anything out of pure anxiety. I get back in my limo and a gsp popped up with a marker to this place I needed to go to, also a vampire was in the passenger's seat. He told me that I needed to drive to the location on the map or else he'd eat me. So I did, but the road turned into a ballpit and it was hard to drive on. I eventually figured out I was dreaming and tried to wake up, and I did— or so I thought. I got out of bed, and then this disembodied voice echoed through my room saying "You have failed and you cannot overcome obstacles laid before you". And then I started setting my room on fire with my mind. Then I woke up for real because my watch alarm started beeping 20 minutes earlier before my actual alarm, and I was able to navigate through my dream to the actual real world.