Ghosts/ spirits

Date: 7/11/2019

By nekocat

So the dream started out with my family and I getting ready for bed. Everyone was sleeping already but me. Every so often, human like figures would show up randomly in the house. They weren’t scary or doing anything bad to us. I would simply tell them or yell at them to leave this house and that they don’t belong here. They would eventually leave us or disappear. I decided to walk around the house and make sure all the windows and doors were locked. I looked out the back door window and something caught my eyes. I can see movements in the shadows of the trees and bushes. I told myself it was nothing cause the shadow moves all the time from the leaves and branches. But then I saw a long pale arm waving at me or waving for me to come to it. I started to freak out. I had a bad feeling. I walked into my parents’ room and woke up my mom. I told her that I scared off the other spirits, h. but something stronger is on the way and that I can’t protect them from it. I warned them that they had to all get out of the house. In the process of getting ready to leave, the front door breaks open. 2 figures came in and headed towards in my direction. In my dream, I had a feeling that they were humans, not spirits. I woke up after they came after me.