riding in the car while Char was driving

Date: 9/5/2019

By Talon

I was riding in a car with Charles (who was driving), sara, two rather large women who were twins, Lele (my cat), and a sphynx cat We were driving down this dark winding road. It was very narrow, and Charles kept falling asleep at the wheel. I had to keep shaking him to wake him up. I was getting really scared, because he just couldn't seem to keep his eyes opened. Eventually, the road changed to a road I recognized. It was one that I used to take a lot when i lived in Ohio. It is a dark country road. Anyways, char was driving fast. About 50mph. When suddenly, a man wearing blue pants and a red jacket (he had short dark hair and was chubby) ran up to the left side of the car and started to bang on the sides of the windows and scream loudly. Charles drove faster, and the guy screamed even louder and fell on the pavement. I couldn't figure out how this guy was able to run so fast, which freaked me out even more. It was also odd that he and Charles seemed to be wearing the same outfit. Charles stopped the car further up the road because he had to pee. While he was gone, I was getting anxious because I didn't feel it was safe. I heard the screams from the maniac who ran up to our car, and could tell he was close. I moved the car up the road to find Charles, because I didn't want to stay there. I finally found him and told him to get into the car because the guy was coming back. That's pretty much all I can remember. I do remember bits of the conversation I had with the ladies in the car. sara did not say much, but the twins were very talkative. they were laughing amongst each other and didn't seem nervous or scared at all. I was telling them about how unsafe I felt and they were assuring me that everything would be okay. I said "I love you" to everyone in the car, even the cats.