Shy around cute Ukrainian guy

Date: 4/9/2020

By levinelover

I was heading to a water park with Gabriela with my earphones in. We were both standing at a intersection traffic light crosswalk and a cute Ukrainian looking guy was there. He wasn’t hot exactly, but he looked attractive from the glimpse of him I got. He looked at me too and when we made eye contact we smiled knowingly at eachother, but I kept my earphones in and kept looking away avoiding eye contact. I looked up at Gabriela who was the whole exchange and she looked at me like why aren’t I talking to him and leaving the awkwardness with her. I took my earphone out to pretend it was to talk to her but really it was for him. I looked at him again and me smiled and we started talking as we crossed the street. I told him me and my friend were going to the water park and he decided to come along. We all went to where the change rooms are and we went to the female one and him to the male one.