Date: 9/19/2018
By TheNagual
I was walking through a cloudy broken area of what was once my childhood green belt. I was with a group of men and women and we gathered around in a circle. Jesus Christ emerged and he began picking out which of us would ascend into greatness. His choices were bias towards the men, nearly every person chosen was a man including me. The men felt this wasn’t fair. We left and I was talking to a women. She said that if she was with me she could ascend too. I listened to her while we walked but I did not see her face until we sat down at a booth. I then saw her face and her eyes and felt very attracted to her. I told her we could build love together. I was kept waiting outside for my girlfriend next to a door. The room had other people waiting for their person too. Apparently I was waiting for a long time and I was losing hope. Finally she came out and we huddled together on the floor and stayed that way.