Slaughtered/dead pig

Date: 5/22/2019

By dreamsthingx

Before the dream began, I was having sleep paralysis and then flowed into the dream. So a father and a daughter were in an abandoned building and there was an agreement between them that should be made. The daughter denies the agreement and walks away. As she turns her back away, the father throws a metal ball that was a bomb behind her daughter. The daughter survives the explosion but then a crowd of people shows up that was the father’s “allies” and started beating up and slamming the daughter to the ground and to a fence. And not that long, another separate crowd shows up that was the daughter’s “allies” and started torturing the dad. They broke every single bone of the dad’s limbs so he was immobilized. As they were holding him down, they brought a live pig, next to the father as he watches. They started torturing the pig by somehow modifying its look by putting tusks on each side of its snout like a warthog. Eventually they stabbed it through the jaw and mustard yellow stream gushed out so now the pig is dead. The father was eventually decapitated. I felt terrified throughout the dream even after I woke. It was too vivid. And I recall somewhere in between the dream, I was looking out through a window and it was raining.