Date: 3/22/2017
By madnewman13😼
So I was in my school and down in the cafeteria was a fair going on. There was a series of lights, music, and lots of games! There was even this mystery solving game where you had to figure out who was the monster! There was this one that was this hairy mop monster, who turned out to be David and Raymond from the seventh grade. We all gasped and they laughed. So then I met up with my friend who I found out in this dream that she could do a front flip! "I didn't know you could do that!" I said. I showed her that I could do a front handspring, but didn't really land it right. The games were pretty cool; there was this balancing pole with a pool of Cobras under it (Not that I would try it 😳) , a throwing game, and some other ones too. My crush and his friend was there too, and he was eating sprinkles. Lol. But then for some reason a felling of sadness fell over me. And the next part of the dream came... The next thing was that I found myself on a lake, like Lake Huron or something. I was still sad, and I saw my dad who had music blasting and dancing like a weirdo and wanted me to join him. But I told him "Go away," and he stopped and disappeared somewhere. I kept walking and walking until I reached this deck, and I saw my family and friends and another group of people. They were all looking at something: it was a shark! They were daring me to go and swim with the shark, and I was all like, " Okay first of all how the f**k did a shark get here in the first place?!"!but they all laughed. I didn't swim with it, I was going to throw rocks at it. I grabbed about six stones and was about to throw them at the shark when a news reporter said, "But we will be seeing this next week. Thank you for watching." And my dream ended and I woke up having to go to school. 😑😑😑