
Date: 12/26/2017

By blackswordsman

In my dream I was in a town that flooded. The initial flood was long gone but there was still plenty of water. The people were able to create a make shift damn to block water from getting past a the front entrance of a massive barn. I was supposed to meet my mom and grandfather at a restaurant but we were running tight on time. I had to swim to the dry barn to get ready in better non wet clothes. I got dressed and was told by my grandfather that it was canceled so I went behind the damn where it wasn't flooded and met up with my friend Trevor. We were at a swing set next to a group of other guys and Trevor looked at the closest one and asked "Will you marry me?" I walked back a bit cause I had no idea what was going on and then I saw Trevor look down and ask "but why not?". You can figure he got rejected but after that I woke up.