Big library/mall and college

Date: 6/27/2018

By SnoopDreamer

Time traveled a while back, and wanted to travel to see something. I stopped doing it because I realized I could go in this huge library (the area was like a big city) and find a special first edition or original copy of a book from this artist and I could sell it to make millions in my time. I didn't end up finding it, but it was cool to be in the "past" (and in a huge multistory building/open skyscraper with elevators...) and look at all the different books as I'm going down. Don't remember much, but I dreamt something about visiting college in California. I remember the drive being super short but being the one driving to there by myself to visit it. A bunch happened I don't remember, and then at the end of the dream, I tried to go back to where it was but it was in the dark and all the roads were black, my headlights didn't do much, and my brights let me just see what's in front of me but I didn't have them on more than a couple times because there were a few other cars nearby. I frantically had to go down all these roads I didn't recognize, but kind of did, but couldn't stop for some reason. I had to keep going up and around these windy, snowy roads and icy hills (it wasn't actually snowing then, though) and because I was in a car I though I couldn't make it unless I was going fast. I ended up finding a "college" named similarly to the one I visited, but it wasn't the same place. There was also another one right next to it my mom was at, but I told her these are both the wrong ones and we were sad because we were supposed to visit or stay the night. I woke up.