Sex with a lion

Date: 3/27/2020

By carolinakai

I had a dream I was on this jungle vacation deep in Africa with a few other people, including characters from the book I’ve been writing for the last three years(the mother of one of the main characters) as well as a young family with a son, a handsome wealthy man and his teenage son and two characters from a tv show I watched last night, a catholic priest and a very beautiful wealthy woman. The resort I stayed in was luxurious and the rooms were small and private. Most were separate from the main resort. The bed was super comfortable. The walls were this blue and turquoise tile and the shower was surrounded by glass walls. Everything was in mood lighting. As it turns out I was sleeping with the handsome man and his son separately and neither of them knew it. But it was never quite enough. Oddly enough my mother kept track of my sex life. She came in once and started talking to me normally like she usually does, before she started fingering me and massaging my chest. But she always stopped right before I came because I guess I have enough moral conscience not to lust after my own mother... Anyways, IN THE DREAM, whenever she came in and did that, sleeping with the father and son felt a little more palatable. So back to the jungle. Everyone was allowed to go out and takes walks in the jungle, but they recommended we all go with a partner. The resort was famous for its tame lions who often wandered up to the resort. I technically wasn’t there with anyone so I went out on my own. I was walking through the jungle and had just sat down to take a rest against a tree when a lion stepped out from the trees. He saw me and I saw him and I just had this uncontrollable urge to open my legs for him. His massive paws crushed the ground as he came towards me slowly. He nuzzled against my neck and face, then entered me. His fur was so soft and warm, but the muscles underneath were firm and tight. It was the most amazing feeling of ecstasy I’ve ever had in a dream. It felt like I might die if it ended. But it did of course. I’d been stroking his fur the whole time and bunches of soft shiny black fur had come off in my hands. I’d slowly been balling it up into one mass. When he finished, he turned back into the jungle and all I was left with was this ball of soft black fur. I stood snd made my way back to the resort and went to the mother of my book character and showed her the ball of fur. She said, “that’s not fur, it’s a baby.” Then gave me this horrible glare and took the ball and began peeling the layers of fur back and sure enough a tiny infant’s face appeared in it and it started crying with that newborn baby cry that’s sort of a raspy wail. I knew I had to find the lion again after that, so I went back out into the jungle. My personal identity was sort of flip-flopping between the mother and my real self while I looked for the lion. Finally right when I was about to give up the lion appeared from the jungle. I pulled my pants off and laid back against a wall and opened my legs again, trying to convince him to come back. He seemed reluctant this time and turned as if he were about to go, but I called out to him and said “please!” Then he came over and reared up on his hind legs and braced his front paws on the wall, then stuck it in my mouth. I felt so calm and at peace around him. Like I knew he’d protect me. Then the other resort guests started appearing through the jungle, but I didn’t care. I was just driven by this need to be under him. Then I woke up. LION: There’s lots of interpretations of lions in dreams from all sorts of cultures and religions. In Islam, dreaming of having sex with a lion: “Will be secure from the enemy’s evil and hostility will cease, to be replaced by a lasting friendship.” Christian Interpretation – Many Christians regard lions to be a symbol of God. Feeling safe and secure around a lion can mean that you have accepted God and are in a place of healing, while running away from one can mean that you are running away from God. But I’m not Christian or Muslim so I’m more partial to the secular interpretation... Building a Friendship with a Lion – Building a friendship with a lion in your dream indicates that you will probably meet someone who is very fun to be around. They may also be of the opposite sex MOTHER: I’m not worried about sex with my mother in the dream as having sex with people in dreams suggests a desire for connection and communication not any actual sexual desires. I’ve had lots of sex dreams about people I should NOT be having sex with. The mother in dreams represents nurturing and our own parental instincts. She was incredibly controlling in this dream and knew every personal detail about me, which isn’t untrue in waking life, but she definitely doesn’t know about my sex life. At least not intimately. One source says: “If you dream of a mother that is trying to control you, or seems to be overbearing, this can suggest that you shouldn’t look to others for help in order to succeed. You should focus on your own endeavours. It can also signify that you need to be spontaneous and an excellent multitasker. The “overbearing” mother in this aspect indicates that you feel control over you. You do not need to prove yourself to others is the key message of this dream.” NEWBORN BABY: According to older dream dictionaries seeing a baby in a dream implies that you need to be smarter going forward. A newborn baby in a dream can indicate that worries will diminish going forward. If the baby in your dream cries for attention then this dream generally symbolizes that you have over the past two months been very creative. This dream also signifies that there may be a requirement to have new creative ideas in the future. Also, this dream can show the vulnerable part of your character, that has to be sheltered or perhaps you are fostering some new ideas or opinions. HAIR/FUR - To dream that you are reaching for or running your fingers through someone's hair suggests that you are trying to connect with that person on a spiritual or intellectual level. It also refers to sympathy, protectiveness, and fraternal love.