Crazy shit

Date: 6/24/2017

By shanna07

At a hotel for work. Was packing up my room and cleaning up. Moved the mattress to another room but then had Stephen help me move it back. We were in the elevator with an older couple who were kissing and we thought it was funny. Next scene we were at a rally for the teachers union. They were mad there was no funding for schools. I was going to share about Medicaid funding but I was too nervous to speak in front of such a large crowd. Stephen shared a quote from a republican who was against school funding and the crowd loved it. The next scene we were at some camp site with a bunch of people. It started pouring so we decided to leave. We had to cross the street where the car was parked to put things away. We crossed the street and then we were in like a camper or something putting food, dishes, and things away. There was some raw bacon on the counter...sammy started taking small pieces of the bacon and eating it. I freaked out and told her not to eat raw bacon, she got pissed at me lol. The girl we were with said she was going to go back across the street to get the chairs. I asked if she needed help but she said "oh no there are only ten chairs, I can get them". I told her I would help. When we got back over to the camp site I was scared because it was so dark. I saw something running out of the bushes and I thought it was a wolf, but it was just a dog. The dog was friendly so and we thought it was lost and decided to take it w us. We then realized there was a house on the property. We walked around back and looked in the windows. The lights were on and so was the tv. I was really scared. We went inside and there were a bunch of clones or something?? We realized that a girl we were with had cloned a bunch of boys so she could have lots of boyfriends! We realized we had to kill the clones or they would go out into the world and do bad things! We had to shoot them but then had to leave and we missed a few bit we had to go...then I woke up!