Musical Instruments

Date: 10/27/2018

By SpinierFormula4

While I still lived in Maryland I would have a recurring dream about being the only one in the neighborhood without my own musical instrument. Those houses were townhouses and the community was very tight knit. In the dream I am waiting at my front door to go outside. The sky is purple like it is about to be sunset; we do this every night at this time. As if we’re being signaled, all at once all the kids in the neighborhood leave their houses all at once and step into the street, which weirdly has no parked cars. They all play, but I don’t because I have nothing. The only instruments I remember are Nicoli has a strap on keyboard and Mathias has a tuba or other brass instrument of some kind (I’m pretty sure they had those in real life too). So I am standing there while the neighborhood puts on this orchestra of medium quality only i have nothing in my hands. The music ends and the kids all turn to go inside when they notice I have nothing. They crowd around me and question me. Nicoli is the meanest about it, “I have this cool keyboard what do YOU have? I have this great instrument and you have NOTHING.” I am ashamed. Then I wake up.