Digital art, Create an image of the giant-wizard Nicholas, the woman, and the magical transformation he bestowed upon her.

The Wizard-Giant

Date: 9/22/2018

By RobTheTank

Had this dream almost a month ago. Finally decided to post it here. There was a giant who was also a wizard. He visited a medieval town and did nothing but good things for the people there. Everyone loved him and his efforts except for one woman. She caused problems for him and even undid some of the good deeds and work he had performed. At one point she even lit a large bonfire and almost burned down the whole town. Fortunately this giant-wizard stomped the fire out before it caused any real damage. The giant-wizard had a horse cart that the woman tried to steal. At this he finally had enough. So in anger he waved his hand and turned the entire village into a forest and all the townspeople into forest animals save for the woman. She was now the only human being there and she couldn't survive. The giant-wizard felt sorry for her so he performed one last act of kindness before departing forever and turned the woman into a large caterpillar so at least she could live in this forest. And with this she was finally grateful towards him and he went on his way. The giant-wizard's name was Nicholas; the same Nicholas from one of my favorite German childhood storybooks, "Der Struwwelpeter" ("Shaggy Peter"). Think, "...da kam der große Nikolas mit seinen großen tintenfaß" ("...there came great Nicholas with his big ink well").