Had a Class on the Side of the Road

Date: 9/30/2020

By aaatisu

I found myself sitting on a school armchair on the side of the road. I knew the place and as I looked in front and behind, there were more armchairs and found some familiar faces. It looked like we were having a class on the side of the road because half of a lane was occupied by the lined up armchairs. It was lunch time so those who stayed have brought out their own lunch boxes. I saw Althea sitting behind me with his boyfriend so I turned my sit around to face them and as I was doing so, I knocked the water bottle of the guy sitting beside me and he looked pissed at me. I think I recognize him as one of Althea's college friends. In the next scene, the sun was starting to set and we were having a class activity so the chairs were grouped by 4 and were facing each other. This time I was facing Raph with Janine beside him. We each had an activity sheet with an outline of a traffic cone. I heard a male voice from afar and he was shouting instructions about the color pattern that we should do. I looked at my work and so far there were 3 areas colored and some spaces in between them. Looking at Raph's paper, his spacings were different from mine. I asked him if I did mine wrong and he said yes while chuckling. I thought to myself that this activity was some kind of nonogram puzzle but the numbers were said out loud instead of being already written on the paper. A little later, the atmosphere became gloomy because the teacher was now talking about someone lying. I don't remember any of his words but I think he was lecturing about it being a selfish act. I was feeling guilty then as I remembered that time earlier when I borrowed someone else's glue even though I had my own glue stick in my bag. It was weird but I was so scared to be pointed out.