Date: 1/2/2018
By Bingusbongus
I was returning home from the city to my family's house which was a large tree with a thick bushy top. We were some form of vampires but i had completely forgot about that since we never drank blood. My mum had short blond hair and was in a fancy suit purple n good suit; i couldn't remember this part of the dream well but they were either mum or dad. Someone in a similar suit was dead on one of the branches in front of us but i didn't know who it was but i assumed it was from the castle near us. I brought my boyfriend and i had to show he was worthy to know our secret and be part of the family and it was a cool dream with a war between the 2 sides of my family. The next dream might've been a part of the first one but i returned to my old house that was for some reason in my new neighborhood and it was weird to see that my house had weird secrets in it under the carpet etc. we found some tapes and put it in the small tv on the floor (the house was abandoned) and we saw that the gov was looking for us or something and my dad said i should leave. I flew away to my actual new neighborhood and found some friends who also flew around and we raced through the neighborhood. I kept winning of course but i had trouble slowing down and stopping so i decided to practice my braking and avoidance which was fun and kinda scary since i could go really fast. I flew out of the neighborhood via montage with music because wtf. my arms got tired of course from constant flapping and got stuck near some electrical fence surrounding transformers and i had to flap a lot to get over it and almost hit the fence but i went home and it was cool.