I’m dramatic 💀

Date: 1/17/2019

By alicia_retro

So in this dream, my best friend was at my house (which took place at my old apartment) and we were deciding on what to do with our hair before we leave. The scene skips to me getting into the car with another friend of mine, going to go pick something up from the store or something. We were laughing and talking the whole way. When we get back to the what seems to be a long john silvers restaurant (for some reason that name keeps popping up in my head even though the restaurant looked like a Dairy Queens) but anyways me and my best friend hug each other goodbye and she drives away and I walk into the restaurant. My aunt and cousin was there and I had an ice cream cup in my hand already but when my aunt saw it she freaked out and told me to throw it away and that we’ll get another one. Well as I’m ordering the ice cream cone my aunt freaks again and said I don’t even know how to eat an ice cream cone the takes the my cone, and eats it. I’ve about had it at this point and my temper is quick in my dreams so I yelled something at her, took the cone, threw it on the ground, stomped on it, then RAN out the store. I usually can’t run in my dreams so it felt very uncomfortable but I kept running anyways and before I could reach a destination I woke up..