
Date: 10/2/2018

By SpinierFormula4

I’ve been having recurring dreams about me doing bad in Mr. Prothro’s class. This is one of those dreams. So for some reason the school does t have a roof, but at first the classroom looks like a normal classroom, albeit a little on the younger side by the looks of the posters. We have to write an essay about soundtracks in media, and the example given is Peppa Pig. Anyway, I pick Gloo Gloo from Reyman Legends, but when I look up from my writing everyone else in the class, including my sister who was there for some reason, is gone and already finished. Mr. Prothro tells me to hurry up and suddenly I’m at a picnic table finished with my essay. Mr. Prothro is going through the essays listening to all the music that was being described. He gets to mine and he hates the song. Again suddenly the dream cuts to me in my Spanish class and I get something like a 125/256 some weird number like that. Half the questions are unanswered which is unlike me but either way I failed it. I get up from my desk and head back to Mr. Prothro’s class. When I arrive, it has morphed into some sort of backyard pool that resembles my cousin Sarah’s. My class is all female now, and most of the people in it are from my gym, but some I don’t know. Mr. Prothro tells us we can jump in. I look down and we’re all in bathing suits, so we jump in the water. The pool is a lot bigger that it seems; under water it is giant. Almost immediately I hear struggling and I look over to see a girl being attacked by a small shark. All the girls rush out of the water leaving her to fend for herself. She gets out but when she looks at herself there are no bite marks to be found, even though everyone clearly saw her being bit. The other girls think this is really cool so they put their legs in the water to encourage the shark to bite them. I don’t think this is a good idea and I start to freak out. When I freak out I pace and I do this thing where I kind of like claw at my own head, and I was doing that in the dream. Someone runs up to me ordering me to stop, and I look over to see the girls giggling as a shark nibbles on one of their ankles. I run toward her to get the shark off but out of the corner of my eye I spot a giant black spider on the wall of the classroom. It is weird and disproportionate: it’s as big as my torso, it’s legs are curled under it so it shouldn’t be able to stay up on the wall like that, and it’s abdomen is weirdly long. I ignore it after a second of staring and make it to my classmates who are still having fun with the pool shark. I ask them to stop and they scoff and tell me to go away. So I do. I sigh knowing it’s no use and go over to the side of the pool with decorative rocks. I climb the rocks with some trouble because there are trees in the way, but I make it to where I wanna go. There are girls following me on the rocks now for some reason but I pay them no mind. When I reach my rocky destination there is a beautiful stag just sitting there. I reach out to touch it and when I do my hand goes through it and I wake up.