Weird dream

Date: 12/30/2020

By LuciddreameR

This was kind a scary one, I was on my way to Anand's site then I got lost. Some how I remember a building which Is saw there white coloured one which built with read bricks some of them are visible like design. I take path which surrounded by similar buliding. In i felt like I know that building and that place. I continued until I reached a rich old man's house and he wasn't alone there was two big dogs with cream colour. And he said to catch me and got really scared, I pleaded to stop but one dog got hold of me I struggling, he was having fun that old stupid, he stopped the and demand me to behave like a dog so he could take video with his mobile. I don't how but that does it, I gained my counsiousnes, now it's lucid dream mode. I grabed one of his dog threw it to the other side of his metallic fence and other dog tried to attack me I just beat him very bad, I didn't killed it because of my moral part doesn't allow it even in dream,. I can't remember what happened next I guess I woke up..