Date: 12/30/2019
By Yeraz
Two dreams. First, the dream showed a guy in love with me, younger like high school age. My mom said, “Maybe he was in love with you but something changed.” I’ve been going through some stuff with my boyfriend M and idk if it has to do with that, but he’s never been portrayed as a younger high school looking guy so idk. Then I dreamt I was pulled over by my friend R’s husband A who is a cop in real life. He pulled me over to help me. He told me to just smile and act like I’m getting pulled over when I’m really not 😆 or something like that. Or like I thought I was getting in trouble but he pulled me over to help me. This girl I know from high school who worked at the vet where we took my sick cat was there. She said she was going to cut my hair. I said that I just got it cut, but she took the scissors and kept my hair the same length but gave me angled layers in the front. There was another nice girl with her but she didn’t say or do anything. Maybe smiling just means don’t be sad or bummed, smile/be happy! I know my mom has said that police in dreams could mean angels/protectors, and usually haircut means some kind of change in a job.