Party with the strict parent

Date: 10/21/2019

By LucyElla

I was at a party with a few friends I knew from secondary and other places, there was around 20 of us. Most of us where in this hallway looking sort of room because it was quite a long room. It had 3 small tables of food to one side of the room and seats around the other side and end of the room I was sat st the end of the room in the bench seat with a few other most of us were just sat talking it was my Friend Anna's party but she didn't seem to be there and her mum was being quite strict with the rules to keep the house clean and evvetines under control so no one didn't that much later the dream changed slightly I was in someone's room didn't know who's though but their keyboard was one that pulled out from under the desk it had 26 squares on the board that the keyboard rested on each square was for a letter of the alphabet but there was a voice over saying how th at sort of board doesn't sell very well so I decided to decorate it replacing each square with a black or red square that would I'm the end make a pattern but then it hit me I was in some random persons room and the guy came in but didn't see me so I walked out and went back to the party which was now mostly in the livingroom people were mostly sat talking some were dancing but I noticed my boyfriend Leon was now sat in the livingroom so went to go say hi as I was happy to see him there I wasn't very close to many people at the party but for some reason I started to feel dizzy and my vision went a little funny so I tripped a little. Leon quickly got up and stood trying to support me a little to see if I was okay but after a few seconds I felt back to normal and that's all I can remember.