Food contamination dystopia

Date: 1/9/2020

By pigeonpea

Abuelita was arranged to die. She was going to be shot in the doctors office. Mama watched. I thought how could mama watch that. It was super sad. All the cousins and Martica were there. There were growing suspicions of food being contaminated with all sorts of things. It was very scary. I wanted to flee the country and start fresh. I thought we could make it look like vacation and just leave. The restaurants were very militarized with police. We were doing some sort of volunteering with the hula zhoop. Firefighter clowns were there. John Muir asked mom in the distance how did volunteering and getting that affirmation feel for you who according to my records your dad died when you were very young? And mama was in annoyed tone I didn’t do it to make myself better about my dad. And when one of the food handlers talked about eye procedures being done next door mama took away his tongs to and clacked them to everyone saying imagine getting an eye surgery with this thing. And that was regarded as truly defiant although some people laughed. At the end of the dream I felt like mama was to die too for some soon to come mission and I was hugging her and saying that it will be hard to be just me by myself I don’t have anyone. And I looked at the hula hoops. All the hula hoops were crooked except mine and hers. She grabbed mine and gave me hers telling me that she’ll avoid suspicion better with a different colored hoop than she usually uses.