Civil War Kidnapping

Date: 6/27/2018

By JJG55

It started somewhere, I forget. But me and my people were bombed and attacked. We then returned to school the next day and told people. It was the last day of school. Once we got out, I went home. There, I had a pet raccoon. Anyways, me and my tribe (I was the leader) decided to have fake battles against each other in order to be ready for real attacks. I remember some mutant cheese burger getting crushed by like a butterfly pen. Then was some giant yellow elephant and on her team was her daughter. (Name I can’t remember) The giant yellow elephant broke our defenses before the fake fight and the daughter was worried because she knew we wouldn’t last with our cannons. When she expressed her concern, her mom kidnapped and hid her away. Turns out the mom was working for some bigger evil force. So me and my team (all humans) set out to find our friend. We went to this school and were in their gym for their 4th Grade Dance. Teachers were there and photographers and I got yelled at for being on my phone but I was just trying to work on the mission I had. My teachers caught me but Ms. Ferino knew what I was doing and let it slide. I walked down the hall way outside the gym in search for a room filled with trees. I already experienced this before. Once I found it, I found my friend Ana and some other person inside pulling a vine around a tree trying to break it down. There was also a construction truck there doing who knows what. But it was raining and misty. We couldn’t get the tree down so we called in everyone else. One of the kids (I recognized him from school) pick up this random red flower, which I knew to be dangerous, so I called people to take him to the nurse. Seconds later, his hand was bleeding and he was screaming. After that we realized we couldn’t pull the tree down. (We thought she was stuck inside). So we camped out in the hallway. I was really disappointed and determined to get her out. All of us slept and in the morning went back to work. We finally got the tree down after finding her head lying outside of it. It was still foggy and creepy. But inside, was a dummy. It sucked. I then had a vision of these fish that lived in the water and could jump and eat humans if you went into the water. Like any water, puddles and all. They were mad because humans always invaded the water and humans and the killer fish never got along. Suddenly the scene changed to a cloudy but partially sunny open playground with rivers and puddles scattered everywhere. There was a Woods and a hill to the side. Some random group of girls offered to distract the fish so me and my tribe could cross, (btw my tribe was all people from school) but we said no to them. They jumped in anyways, they were fine. I then lead me and Mike Chang swiftly across the playground over the water and told my team to follow after. They did. When we got to the other side, someone yelled “Jordan is hurt!” Sure enough I look over to see a little girl with blood on her hand standing at the edge of the wood chip pond. She was smiling and looking at her hand. She was then in front of me and I told her how brave she was and that she could one day lead a tribe of her own. She smiled, and was very confident. Not one but hurt. I gave her a fist bump after she denied my high five. Although now, we needed to get to the other side of the pond. Jason (from the Vlog Squad: David Dobrick vlogs) skidded over the water to our help. I told him he shouldn’t have because it was dangerous and we could’ve walked around on the side with the woods. And then, I woke up. I think it has to do with leadership and my sense for adventure. Idk though.