15 Black Cats

Date: 2/27/2020

By carolinakai

So there’s lots that happens in this dream. I went ahead and separated it into sections so it’s easier to skim through, because we all know we skip past 80% of the details if and when we decide to read someone else’s dream. I promise this dream is interesting in a lot of symbolic ways though. It’s definitely not a good dream. It takes a lot of dark turns and slowly starts to get worse and worse. Here we go: I dreamt that my mom woke me up in the morning saying she wanted to go to a museum. I forget what the museum was. Something about otters I think? She was already ready, when she started rushing me along and I ended up leaving the house in my pjs and without my hair done. I convinced her to make a stop at a 7-11, then asked her if I could go home and put clothes on before we went in. By this time it was like 3pm and it was getting close to when the museum closed. We came back to 7-11 and picked out a few things. Then slowly the store starts to turn into a Petco and as I pass a giant bin of pet beds and blankets, I see a fluffy black cat. I was excited, but I know better than to pet a strangers cat so I kept walking, but when I turned around again to look at it I noticed there was another cat curled up with it. Then another and another and another. I realized they looked like my cat Charlie, which was even more exciting, so I started counting them. There were 15 in total all staring back at me and it was at that point that for a split second I became aware that it was a dream and that dreaming of black cats is probably not a good thing (it’s not horrible, but it’s not good either. Skip to the bottom for symbolism explanations). So we went and bought the things we came for at 7-11 and left. The cashier was mad creepy so I sort of backed up and avoided him, while my mom paid. Then we got back inthe car and all of a sudden my mom is like “put your head down! Head down!” I started freaking out a bit then she goes, “I just saw Carl.” (Carl isn’t his name in real life, but for privacy’s sake, we’ll call him Carl.) In waking life, I consider Carl to be a friend in a lot of ways, but he’s got some issues that worry me, so I try not to be alone with him. Lately I’ve been worried that he’s stalking me because even though he lives in a completely different city, he’ll come to my town to go to Starbucks and go shopping. Literally right around the corner from my house. Sometimes he’ll tell me about things that happened in my neighborhood and he used to knock on my door without texting me, asking if he could use the bathroom. So yeah. It’s a little worrisome. But anyways, my mom is worried that Carl followed me to this 7-11(Which is like 50 miles outside of my town and in the opposite direction of his town.) She starts driving off and I turn around in my seat and sure enough, there he is walking out of the 7-11. So by this time it’s like 5 or 6pm and the museum is closed, so we start heading home. When we get home I started texting my mom(who was in a different room. We do that a lot haha) about Carl and how annoying it is when he shows up everywhere, but my mom doesn’t reply at all. Then I realize I’ve been texting Lindsey, a woman I work with. Then I get a phone call and it looks like it’s from her, but I don’t recognize the number. When I first answer, no one says anything, then all of a sudden the person on the phone starts singing. I can tell the voice is Lindsey’s. It’s a really pretty song, but I don’t remember the lyrics. When she’s finished I try talking to her, but she still doesn’t say anything. After a while I get bored on the phone so I tell her I have to go and I ask her name. She says it’s Loray...? But all broken up as if she’s choking. The line goes quiet, then I hang up and all of a sudden I’m at some weird family gathering at a motel with alternate versions of my step family. In real life my step family is super fake and I can tell on the inside they’re all really nasty people, just based on the way they’ve treated me and others in the past. But these versions of them are like they’ve shed their mask and they’re all really mean to each other and me. But there’s a new face there who I guess is somebody’s new wife or fiancé. We’re sitting in the back of the room while everyone is watching a movie and all of a sudden she starts talking to me and spitting these left handed compliments. I start to get really mad and start spitting them right back at her. The conversation gets really loud, then the family starts getting mad at me and blaming me and telling me I’m overreacting. I start yelling at them that I’m not and eventually I storm out and start walking down to the 7-11 again. Now it’s getting close to 10pm. When I get to the 7-11 and I walk in, the creepy cashier looks up at me and gives this horrible lecherous smile, so I turn around immediately and start running back to the motel. I’m not running super fast, because I didn’t think he’d follow me. It was more like running for my own sake. Just trying to get away from him. I get tired of running so I stop and start walking, but then I get this horrible feeling like someone his behind me. I turn around and there’s this man dressed in a really beautiful dark lavender velvet suit jacket and perfectly fitted kaki pants. He’s carrying a bag and sifting through a ring of keys in one hand. For some reason I felt calmer around him, so I stopped walking, then he stops and looks up at me and gives me this horrible smile. Even worse than the cashier. Like he knows me already and was expecting me. I start crying, like really crying. Then he turns behind me and walks up to the door of a fancy patisserie and says “Do you want to see the patisserie?” I start shaking my head and backing up toward the curb saying “no...no patisserie...” “I’d just like to show you around. That’s all.” All while looking at me with this terrible smile. I get this feeling like I should’ve stayed with the cashier. At this point it’s like 4am. He’s smiling and shaking his head while I start hiding behind a street lamp. Finally I find the courage to turn around and run to cross the street. I hear the sound of sirens and two ambulances start speeding up. I try to flag them down, but they ignore me. I make it to the other side of the street and start running again. Then this gorgeous pink light floods the sidewalk. It’s a ballet studio. I look in and there’s a woman in her 30’s, a younger girl who looked about 18 or 19 and about 12 little girls that all looked the same. They were all sitting on the floor of this itty bitty studio doing each other’s hair. They almost looked like dolls in a dollhouse. The younger girl comes out and asks me what’s wrong. I try and tell her, but it doesn’t come out right. I point to the man who’s still smiling at me. Then she tries to tell the woman in her 30’s. She comes outside...and then I woke up. SYMBOLISM: BLACK CATS - To see a black cat in your dream indicates that you are experiencing some fear in using your psychic abilities and believing in your intuition. You may erroneously associate the black cat with evil, destruction, and bad luck. In particular, if the black cat is biting, clawing or attacking you, then the dream means that you must acknowledge what your intuition is trying to tell you. You can no longer ignore it. 15 - As an angel number: It symbolizes love. You will soon have love if you don’t have it, or you will learn lessons when it comes to love. It also signifies that love will turn your life around and give you the direction that you’ve been searching for. Other sources say: Angel Number 15 is a message from your angels that there are positive changes that either need to be made or are already on the way. Or: Fifteen represents a dissolution of difficult conditions. Your problems will soon disappear CASHIER - Dreaming of running away from a cashier means that you lack excitement in your life. It is possible that you have fallen into a rut and every day seems the same to you. Monotony that used to suit you is smothering you right now. It is time to move on and do something nice for yourself. Start doing a hobby, exercising or simply going for walks, because it will suit you. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ When I woke up and started thinking about the dream and when I read about the black cat symbolism I realized that my intuition in this dream was all screwy the whole way through. Carl really could’ve just been going to 7-11 because he was walking in the opposite direction when he came out. Everyone in the motel blamed me for overreacting to what the woman was saying. She was giving left handed compliments, but she could’ve really been trying to compliment me. I was the one who started talking loud and outright insulting her. I don’t think I was overtly wrong in this situation, but the fact that my intuition was in question at all speaks to the black cat symbolism. I thought the cashier was creepy, but then this other guy showed up who felt even more threatening. But then it occurred to me that the guy dressed in lavender was a patisserie chef. They get up at the crack of dawn to start their work. Granted he was creepy and definitely threatening, but he had a perfectly logical reason for being there. Then it occurred to me that the ambulances were going to save Lindsey/Loray who was probably choking to death. While I was blaming them for not stopping to help me. And I can’t even fathom why I thought a ballet studio would bring me safety. I hated my ballet studio when I was a kid. Like really hated it. So maybe the biggest take away from this is based on the 15 black cats, is that my intuition regarding love will be horribly wrong. Great.