
Date: 12/31/2019

By ace200

First I was Nancy Drew working with the Hard Boys to solve a crime, I think in Salem. I remember being at this house in the middle of nowhere at night with a man and a woman, my two suspects, and the woman handed the man a letter. It was a confession of something, and after reading it, the man looked at the woman with fury and then pounced on her before beginning to kill and eat her. I ran, hopping to find the Hardy Boys and avoid being killed myself. The dream shifted, and I was in high school with a group of friends I was close to, who I don’t really know. I think it was two boys and two girls, all characters from the High School Musical series. Bad things kept happening to us. I think it was because of the woman who was eaten in the beginning of the dream. She was like a witch or something, and we had all been cursed (maybe we stepped on her land or went into her house or something). For example, I would see grotesque things no one else could see or I would see the woman walking around in a dark cloak. Or doors wouldn’t open for me and my alarm wouldn’t go off. Little things, but sometimes dangerous things like being thrown from my bike or almost getting into car accidents, or boxes falling off shelves almost on top of me. This was happening to my entire friend group, but we all kept it to ourselves at first until it was apparent that we were all experiencing these things. It was almost time for our final exams, and we were all scared the witch was going to mess it up for us, especially my one girl friend (Gina in the series) because she had never taken an exam before as a transfer student. We opened the door to look inside our exam room, but the witch made it so that some of us only saw an empty room while others saw furniture. We went to the library, nervous and afraid for ourselves. Would our lives always be like this? We ended up finding a book called FableHaven (one I read as a kid), and my one guy friend said that the witch wrote it, somehow he just knew. It was the story of how she was killed. The dream changed again and I was in a small, inflatable boat with my mom and my real life friend, Jill. We were stuck in the middle of the ocean. I had my Career Presentation with me and Jill said she wanted to do what I was doing. Jill kept sitting toward the edge of the boat so water was seeping in and a bunch of tadpoles (in my mind some of the tadpoles were friends from my earlier dream so I made sure to handle them carefully with a cup as I dumped them into the ocean). We flipped over from all the water and I remember a sleeping bag dragging me down into the water until I shoved it off me and took it back up to the boat, which was now a floating mattress. We sat on top of it, the sleeping bag being all we had left. I was gaining consciousness at this point and waking up a little. I wished for the boat to be bigger in the dream, so then we got a real, old wooden boat. I was steering and running it in a compartment that had windows on all sides. I suddenly saw the witch from my earlier dream, wearing an all black cloak and a hood so I couldn’t see her face. She stood at the tip of the boat, facing me. She began walking around my compartment, and I could see her go past each window, until she made it to the door, which didn’t have windows so I couldn’t see unless she opened it. I stood as far away from the door as I could, terrified. Nothing happened. This dream had so much more to it, but I don’t remember and I’m sad about it. I can feel the vibes and it was very creepy.