Digital art, A jungle compound at night, with a cop and a civilian on a mission to capture a criminal, ultimately resulting in a heroic rescue and the discovery of a dying trans woman named Velma.

Alls well that ends well

Date: 4/25/2023

By Aler

I just dreamt that I wrote all this down, but that was also a dream. Most of this is the original dream, but some may be the memory of the memory. I am friends with a cop. He befriended me at my old apartment, thinking I needed someone reliable. He helped me move. We are traveling to a compound in the jungle to find a criminal. Maybe for a bounty? It’s unclear. The cop seems confident. We sneak in at night. He claims that he can identify the individual by this breathing, but it’s very clear this is untrue. I know it’s a bad idea so I try to leave. I rip my shirt and lose my shoes on the way out. I find that the cop lost his wallet. I get angry. We need to go back so we can’t be identified. We return and are almost caught. I am smart and say it’s a rescue mission, and we’re saving the gang members from slavery. They accept this and some praise me and give me a hug. The cop recovers his wallet. No one questions why I don’t have shoes. I find someone dying under an orange tarp that says “My last will and testament “ in black marker. She’s a trans woman named Velma. She killed herself, overdosing when she heard us enter the camp. The cop sinks to his knees in grief. A group of pirates from the boats in the lake come to take her away. We’re lauded as heroes. The cop gets a promotion to a desk job. I get my children back. There are no consequences. Years later, I get a statue of a Loa in the mail. It’s a sign the gang leaders know… At this point, I’m dreaming that I’m writing down the dream. The first half is in the form of a conic book, the second is scrawled on paper because the comic book is inaccurate. I’ve tried to be true to the original story, not the more lurid second telling.

AI generated interpretation The dream you described here can be interpreted in many different ways. However, as an AI, I will try to provide you with a general interpretation and analysis of your dream based on the symbols and events you have described. Your dream starts off with you being friends with a cop who helped you move. This could represent a feeling of safety and protection as the cop is a symbol of authority and dependability. The two of you are on a mission in the jungle to track down a criminal. This could indicate that you are taking action to address a problem or trying to overcome challenges in your waking life. In the dream, the cop claims to be able to identify the criminal by his breathing, but this turns out to be untrue. This could represent a fear of being misled or deceived in some way. When you try to leave, you lose your shoes and rip your shirt. This may indicate a feeling of vulnerability or a sense of loss in your waking life. Upon returning, you successfully convince the gang members that you are on a rescue mission and not there to apprehend anyone. This may represent a sense of quick thinking or adaptability in handling difficult situations. The cop recovers his wallet, which could indicate a sense of relief or regaining control over a particular aspect of your life. Next, you find a trans woman named Velma who has taken her own life. This could represent a fear of loss or grief in your waking life. The cop's reaction of sinking to his knees in grief could indicate a sense of helplessness or sadness that you may be experiencing. The pirates who come to take Velma away could represent a sense of detachment or separation from challenging emotions or situations. Finally, you are lauded as heroes in the dream, and the cop gets a promotion while you get your children back. This may indicate a sense of victory, success, or resolution in your waking life. However, the statue of a Loa that you receive in the mail years later could represent a sense of impending danger or warning that you may face in the future. In summary, your dream may represent a sense of uncertainty, fear, loss, and victory that you may be experiencing in your waking life. It could be interpreted as a warning or an encouragement to take action or adapt to challenging situations. Keep in mind that this is just one interpretation, and your dream may have a different meaning depending on your personal experiences and emotions.