The Toilet Seat Escapade

Date: 5/11/2020

By NMCProductions

I was in London (barefoot, weirdly) and mum and dad met me there. Mum and I were in this concrete stairwell maze thing having fun until she got lost. I found her and we left. I then drove the Commodore from London to Shiploads Mowbray to get a toilet seat. There was an ultra modern designer open home set up in the store, so I got distracted and was looking through it. Eventually, I met this cool woman who showed me to the toilet seats. I couldn’t find one with a wooden seat and a green lid, which is what they wanted, so I instead was distracted by old gaming consoles they had for sale. I was going to settle on a BBC Micro, but then changed my mind and got an NES. I returned to the car expecting them to be furious, because a) I’d taken so long and b) the one thing I’d gone into the store for, they didn’t have. They surprisingly weren’t angry and we then left and the dream ended.