Date: 8/23/2019
By ItsABlackCat
I dreamed that I was at a hotel with my mom and my dad was out fishing. However I could initiate this dream-like trance where I’d close my eyes and ‘wake up’ with my dad, and using it I could go between hanging out w him and hanging w my mom. I remember when I was ‘with’ my dad I was just like, astral projecting there or whatever, I wasn’t actually there. Anyways he was catching these huge ass fish and crabs in this shallow water on a rowboat type thing, and I mean these fish were at least 4 feet. And he was using the fish to bait the crabs, which were fucking huge, like 10 feet maybe. And even tho I wasn’t actually there, I was like ‘aw hell nah’ whenever he’d go to get one. For some reason I wasn’t in the boat with him, I was in the water next to the boat, and every time a monster fish or crab would come by I’d freak out and ‘teleport’ / go back to the hotel for a bit. It was weird.