Protecting my Little Sister from Some Perceived Invisible Threat & Pulling Off Dream Heist #3

Date: 11/21/2018

By fluffytree

In my first dream I recall walking around town with my younger sister but she's really little in this dream, like maybe 8 when irl she's 26. I felt like I needed to constantly protect her from danger even though there never seemed to be an immediate threat. It was like l was paranoid of some unseen evil snatching her away. I went so far as to use this futuristic remote-like device to create glowing blue square wireframe platforms in mid-air that we could step on to gradually get high up into the air. Whatever it was I figured was bound to the ground and couldn't get us if we were higher up. But once we were nearly 70ft up I realized that there was no threat. There never was and I was just being paranoid. Now I was dangerously up high in the air standing with my sister on a small platform that was barely 3ft across. The others had all disappeared for some reason. I guess it was operating under video game logic where any new platform you create causes the old one to disappear seconds after you step off your current one. I was terrified more of dropping my sister to her death now and it being totally my fault so I held tightly onto her as I created more platforms below us to get back down. Oddly enough now they were even smaller in diameter making it even more perilous. But we finally did make it safely down where upon I instantly got pulled into another dream. So in this dream for context reasons I should mention that for the past maybe year, I've been having a particular dream every 4 months or so where I meet up with these same 2 guys somewhere big like a bank or a big building, and we pull off a major heist stealing thousands of dollars. And we're always successful too because I think each one of us is partially lucid where we at least know we can't be killed. Last night's dream had to be the 3rd or 4th one we've done this year. I've never recorded the others two likely cos I've forgotten them upon waking, but I seem to have my dream memories of them back now. It's hazy what I can remember, but I know it started off with the three of us meeting outside some big building during the afternoon in what looked like downtown Manhattan. We usually wear masks during these, but since we've just met up of course we're not gonna put them on til we're inside, nevermind that realistically our faces would be easily caught on so many exterior cameras. We were a multicultural trio too. You have me, the black guy, a white guy, and an Asian guy. We don't even speak to each other, only nod in acknowledgement before we go inside and find our bags in a lobby maintenance closet we must've stashed sometime last night. Well it doesn't matter cos since it was a dream you could say we just knew they were gonna be there. We grab our masks, put them on and go to work. We don't even have weapons I don't think and I believe every single heist has been this way too. We run through the lobby and people are naturally freaked out and looking to see if we have weapons but for the most part people seem to not care that much. There's a specific part of the building that we know has cash and it's in some back room somewhere on a higher floor. We take the stairs to get to it and one of the other guys jimmys the lock open some kinda way and we find boxes stashed with cash. Why would a corporation keep such cash lying about like this? I dunno. It's pretty stupid which is why we chose this building to take advantage of. We didn't bring our bags we'd put our masks in with us cos a bag of money would just slow us down so we simply put as much money in our pockets as we could manage and ran off as soon as we heard yelling outside the room. It was security along with what looked like army rangers, although it was probably just militarized police. They had AK-47s in hand but never pointed them at us, maybe because we were unarmed. "Let's go boys!" said the Asian guy (I wish I knew their names but I still don't) and we bolted outta there right past them and into the hall. Of course they give chase and usually these guys are quite slower than us and outta shape wherever we go, but this time a few of them were just as fast, no, maybe even faster. I got scared of being caught when one security guy ran up next to me and then passed me. It was weird cos he didn't even look at me and was focused on my other two colleagues that were a little ahead. I remember thinking how I shouldn't have stopped exercising cos now I'm clearly slower than I used to be, but when I saw the guy gaining on me I had a running thought like, 'Don't catch me, don't catch me. I don't exist.' And looks like he was psychologically affected by my thoughts too since he clearly took no interest in me. I eventually caught up to the guys as we ran up some more stairs and through multiple other rooms scaring plenty of employees in the process who had no idea what was going on. We got up to the very top floor and apparently had lost them for the time being. We stopped to look at how much cash we had and to our dismay I can't believe we only had maybe $350 combined. All that work for us to lose most of it during the escape. And we still hadn't yet escaped either. On this floor we find the most apathetic people around too. Literally no one cares about what we're doing or is afraid. Seemed to get more and more that way with each floor we'd climb. This particular floor looked very familiar too and I wonder if it's a building we hit earlier in the year. Anyway, we go towards the large windows to try and figure out how to get down from here but having a hard time trying to devise a plan that wouldn't involve us falling to our deaths and splattering on the pavement below. We had to be at least 12 stories up, but the good news is that this also seemed to be an apartment building too because on this rear side of the building that faced away from the city streets, there were balconies on every floor including this one. I couldn't figure out how to get out there though as there didn't seem to be a visible exit door. There was one window that was boarded up with very thin wood or something, so I found a brick lying around somewhere, wrapped it in one of my hundred dollar bills, and threw it right through the window. Thankfully it broke a hole, but I really hadn't thought through what we were gonna do next. And it didn't matter anymore cos suddenly now there was an exit out to the balcony. Security and police had finally caught up to us so we had to act now. We got onto the balcony and looked at each other like,' well now what?' Then this random girl who I guess worked there opened the door and suggested we just jump down. It was ridiculous but in retrospect she was totally right. It would've been quicker and it's not like we would've died. But we weren't fully aware we were dreaming and thought we'd certainly die in a fall. Then the white guy suggested something similar but sillier. He said let's just fall off at the same time and we'll be caught by some "guys" he knows who have a helicopter nearby. They'll swoop by and pick us up superman style before we hit the ground. Like what in the holy hell kinda plan was this? Sounded like it was concocted by a 4 year old. I said no. The girl had gone back in and now our pursuers were right at the window about to come out. I quickly said let's just use the balcony rails to carefully climb down and how it's not that hard cos each floor seems to be pretty close together anyway. It was all we could do but we did that and found it crazy easy to do. Within 10 seconds or so we were at the bottom. We took off our masks, threw them down and kept running. I wanted to immediately look for that hundred dollar bill I threw out the window so I ran towards the open field nearby where I thought I saw it fall into. It was only a single dollar bill though, but I think it actually was the same hundred that the dream environment randomly changed. I was pretty disappointed, but whatever. The whole experience was so thrilling and had me super amped up even if we lost most of the money. I rejoined the guys and we finally had a chance to chat about everything now that we were free. We crossed the nearby street to go into some Mexican restaurant I've been to before in other dreams but on the median I spotted what looked like a few dollar bills. I was hoping my hundred was there but upon going over there it was one $5 bill and 2 singles. So now I had a total of $8 back that I lost. What a fail of a heist financially, but whatever. I went back and into the restaurant and woke up at that point.