Date: 12/22/2018
By alicia_retro
Okay so this dream is similar to one I had a few months ago which was about my mother, (I forgot to write about it but I still remember it). but to get to the point, my mother passed back in 2015 on Christmas Eve, and recently I’ve been having more and more dreams with her in them but usually just for short cameos. But last night, this dream took place I guess right after school. When I got off the bus I was in the neighborhood that I grew up in (I haven’t lived there since elementary school) and it was like I knew I hadn’t been there or seen my mother in a long time because I ran full speed ahead to my old house, in the door, and straight to the back bedroom where my mothers room was. And just as expected, she was right there on the bed and was just as excited to see me as I was to see her. I ran and gave her a hug and then we started talking about something. I don’t remember what it was. But this is the second dream when I actually FELT like I haven’t seen her in a long time. The other ones it was like she was never gone but this one, it’s kinda like I knew she was dead in my dream so seeing her felt like really haven’t seen her since she died back in 2015.. I want to learn more about these types of dream.