Hanging On For Dear Life

Date: 3/10/2020

By Machman

Just another random collection of images and thoughts that ends with yet another height scenario. I felt really uneasy when I woke up from this one. I remember thinking about Westminster and MPs arguing over something or other. Some Tory MP like Rees Mogg (but it wasn't him, just some snooty cunt that reminded me of him) was making a speech and was being heckled by a woman who I couldn't see. Her voice had a Welsh accent and I believe she was being ridiculed because of it - typical Tories. I then remember a discussion about the unions. Not any union in particular, just the unions. I then imagine I am driving into Stewartfield, East Kilbride as this is taking place. You know the slip road that takes you onto the road towards the loch at the roundabout before the Kingsgate? Anyway maybe I am listening to the radio as the discussion takes place but I remember looking at a road sign and thinking to myself that the unions are to blame. I don't know what for or why I thought that but I clearly remember that there were negative feelings towards the unions. Maybe I'm a Tory 😱 I am then on a landing in a set of flats standing next to a lift shaft with a gated front instead of a metal door. You can tell where this is going can't you? Me n lifts in my dreams, what am I like? Anyway I am with some other people but it is not apparent who they are at this juncture. The gate opens to reveal the lift shaft and (what a surprise) I fall in. I cling to the floor of the landing I was standing on. And old man tells me to grab his hand and attempts to help me up. But the stupid auld cunt falls in himself and manages to cling on to my legs to prevent him plummeting to his demise. So now I am being weighted down. Doesn't look good, does it? By this point the gate has closed and I can cling onto that. Although the open / closed status of the gate is fluid as I am then handed something that looks like a Venetian Blind by Derek Ross (a guy I went to school with). He manages to pull me up using that and I manage to scramble onto the landing floor. No sign of the old man though so I guess he must have bought it (RIP thoughts n prayers 🕯). I then wake up and I feel really uneasy. It takes a few minutes for me to calm down and get back to sleep.