Hot Sauce

Date: 11/13/2017

By teerific

Had a dream I was city exploring after school. I was on a bike and as I rode further, the sun set more. There was a windy road, and a building. Idk where she came from but this girl ended up with me and we went in together. The building was dark and the only light we had came from the setting sun and the moon. It was a confusing building, stairs like a maze and an overall eerie feeling. The girl and I went up stairs and around corners, and a hideous, blood-curdling chord could be heard, and the girl suddenly started to cower. I asked her what was the matter, but she only whimpered. Another girl showed up, she was silent but I could tell she was scared. The chord was still being played every two minutes or so. I decided it was time to leave, that the place was too creepy. I told the girls to follow me, that we had to go, and they refused. The first girl said, “Big, big bottle” I gave up on convincing them and started leaving on my own. I found my way to the entrance I came in from and at that point, walked on with my eyes closed. When I opened my eyes, it was early morning. 6 am, perhaps. I had on a different outfit from when I came in and my bike was missing. I was going to class Later on, I went back to the building. My dad was there. He had a big jar bottle of hot sauce with him, and his hands were abnormally big. He kept putting things in the bottle, it started to look more like chili than hot sauce. My brother was there too. He asked, “where’s mom? and the baby?” My dad said, “mom? she’s too big to eat. the baby though haha” (implying she’s in the hot sauce” I kept trying to say “no” and shaking my head but it only came out in faint breaths. “I’m a liar. You’ve probably heard this about me, it’s true. Don’t let me fool you” - dad