Fantasy land

Date: 10/18/2017

By van

I just woke up from the past beautiful dream. I can't even put it into words but in it I was up at college and then fell asleep and was taken away into a beautiful dream that I remember so perfectly and vividly. In the dream within my dream I climbed up from a room that looked like my dorm onto this platform that was hundreds of feet high looking over a rough ocean. It was windy and the whole dock was shaking and I was with people I used to be friends with maybe 10 years ago. There was this man on the platform who I just vividly remember sitting and talking to and for some reason I looked up to him. I was so peaceful looking out at the rough ocean even though the plat form was extremely dangerous and shaky, I kept thinking I was going to fall off but I was okqy with it. I have an extreme fear of heights so this boy who I know, but who looked completely different so maybe it was someone else, took me off the platform into this old broken collaseum type structure in the water. We dived in and in and the for a moment my dream was fuzzy. I remember the water was filled with gold sparkle everywhere and I jist remember swimming and then being attacked by something and someone saved me. I think I remember who but I'm not sure if it is important. I remember walking through an old town and then all of a sudden I figured out I was dreaming and I tried to force myself to stay asleep. I went back to the ocean and started swimming where a beautiful lady with long dark hair begins speaking to me telling me "wakeup up now wake up now" reapeadeatly. I tried to fight it until it became scary. So in my dream I woke up and was with my cousin and other people sleeping in a room. I wake up and I see the sparkly gold water from my dream swirl up in a bottle of water and dossapear. In my dream I told my cousin and she didn't believe me and that is when I actually woke up. It was Like I was taken somewhere else.