The Mall

Date: 10/1/2019

By furikou

I was at the mall with a very large group of people, probably my classmates. Some stuff happened here that I forgot. We were chilling at the cafeteria when the lights started flickering. We thought nothing of it until the power went out. Everyone was scared, but we turned on any light sources we could find. I turned my phone’s flashlight on and began opening any doors I could see. I think we were running away from something scary. I managed to find a door and turned the lights on in this tiny room. It looked very similar to my bedroom, just with wooden walls and more clean. I called some people over to check the room out. I can’t remember what happens, but I think I was sick so I laid in the bed. The power stayed out, and we couldn’t leave the mall because of the scary things. My grade 11 classmate Andrew was in charge of checking up on me. I woke up in a cold sweat once and saw Andrew. I can’t remember what we talked about, but I was scared and crying. He started crying too. He took me to our teacher, and we all talked about something I can’t remember. It was about me though. When I woke up from this dream, I remembered what we were talking about but idk why I can’t remember rn lol I just remember being a bit scared when I woke