Digital art, As they drove down a dirt road to visit their grandparents after receiving the news of their uncle's passing, three men dressed strangely suddenly appeared in front of them, causing them to swerve into a wheat field and eventually hide under a snowbank; as they argued about seeking help from their family, the dreamer was torn apart as their usually kind father made a callous statement about the family, leaving the dreamer in tears upon waking up.

I’ve never cried in a dream before😭

Date: 9/4/2019

By ChefRiggs

My dad sister and I were on a trip to see go see our family in hutch. We had just received news that my moms brother had died. I have no idea where my mom is at this point. We were driving down a dirt road heading to my grandparents house in my dads black Nissan Titan truck. Out of no where three men dressed in strange black and white clothes appear in the road so we swerve into a wheat field. They all look like my grandpa but they are each different in some way. (Like something out of Rick and Morty citadel of ricks). We get out of the truck and take off running along the ditch by the road. Suddenly the ditch becomes a trench and a snow bank stretches over the top. We decide to hide and hunker down underneath the snow. I tell my sister to zip up her coat and put on her hood as I see the snow begin to collapse on the far end of the trench. Like a huge wave the snow gives way and buries us keeping us hidden but not trapped. My sister keeps talking and I get super annoyed because she is going to get us killed. So I keep trying to silence her but she won’t stop talking and my dad yells at us to stop fighting. I whisper to him that we ought to go to our family’s house because they can help us. To my surprise he says he doesn’t want anything to do with them. He looks at me a says “What’s the point? Now that the king is dead it’s not much of a family anymore.” I get super pissed. “How can you say that?!” I start bursting into tears “what about aunt Liz and the kids?! They just lost their dad! They need family more than ever. What’s wrong with you!” And I wake up tears streaming down my face. I’ve never cried during a dream lol. Little back ground my dad is the nicest guy ever and loves our family. I almost never have any issues with him so to hear him say something like that tore me apart. He jokes about our grandpa sometimes but he loves our uncle. Btw he is not actually dead lol. And he’s never been called “the king” haha.

AI generated interpretation Based on your dream, it appears that you may have some anxiety or fear about losing a family member. The loss of your mom's brother in the dream and the fact that you are on a trip to see your family may represent a desire to be close to your loved ones during difficult times. The appearance of "strange" men who look like your grandpa could be a symbol of confusion about the different people around you and their individual personalities. The men could also represent different aspects of your grandpa's personality or the conflict that exists within your family. The snow bank may symbolize a need for shelter or protection, and the fact that you and your sister are hiding from danger suggests that both of you may feel vulnerable or powerless in some situation. The tension between you and your sister in the dream may reflect everyday sibling rivalry, or it could be a manifestation of deeper emotional issues related to family dynamics. The most significant part of your dream is your emotional reaction to your dad's statement about your family. Crying is often a sign of deep emotional release, and your tears could represent a fear of losing connection with your family or feeling abandoned by your loved ones. The statement about the "king" being dead and your dad disavowing the family could represent a fear of breaking away from tradition or losing family values. Overall, your dream seems to indicate a deep sense of emotional attachment to your family, and a fear of losing that strong connection. It is likely that you value the support and love of your family more than anything else, and the dream represents your desire to be close to them and feel protected.