Demonic Farm Friends

Date: 8/15/2019

By Hashki

This dream started out very nice but soon turned very nightmarish. I was at my uncle's farm late at night, and everything seems normal. I'm walking around doing these nonsense farm tasks with my uncle. He tells me he has to go back to the house for something and for me to just carry on with what I'm doing. As I continue with the work, these people start showing up. They're around my age, 23, and they're really cool. At first it's these two real cool guys, we're joking around and having a great time. More and more people start showing up and I'm getting really excited, these people are so much fun to hang out with. Eventually the most beautiful girl I've ever seen shows up, she's real sweet, and I instantly fall in love. I'm walking around talking with her and suddenly I remember how my uncle had went back to his house. I realize he has been gone for a while, so I tell the girl to wait for me, and that I need to go look for my uncle. So I get to the house and walk into the lounge. My uncle is sitting in a chair drinking a cup of tea. I begin telling him about these real cool people that showed up. As soon as I mention this, he looks me dead in the eye with the most haunting and serious expression I've ever seen. He starts speaking and says "Whatever you do, DO NOT be friends with these people. They've been around this farm for a while now and I can't seem to get rid of them." This freaks me the heck out and before I can reply he tells me "If you decide to be friends with these people, they will quickly turn into your worst nightmare. DO NOT BE FRIENDS WITH THEM. I don't think that they're human" At this point I'm legitimately terrified, as well as disappointed about what my uncle has told me about these people. After all these were some of the coolest, most fun people I have ever met. Not to mention that girl. I decide to go back outside and check it out, but keeping in mind what my uncle told me. I quickly find the girl along with the first two guys I met at the start. They're laughing and joking and waving me over. I'm highly suspicious but I walk over. As I approach I feel very cold and start remembering my uncle's words. I'm getting closer and they're still laughing and joking, but this time, something just seems off about them. I look at them more intently and now I realize something just looks off about them. I can't put my finger on it but something is just wrong with them. Suddenly they turn and look at me. It feels like they know what I'm thinking. I realize that they know what my uncle has told me. Now they look really terrifying and I feel so cold. They start laughing again, but it's different this time. It's the same laughing, but it has this evil undertone to it. I'm beoynd spooked at this point. So I start walking back to my uncle's house, but as I get to the door, more of these people just start walking out the front door. I can see my uncles face behind them if I look over their shoulder, and it's that same serious and concerned expression. None of these strange people are looking at me anymore. It's at this point the dream ends. I either woke up, can't remember the rest of it, or the dream changed. Either way, it was weird as. One of those ones that make you think about it for a while before you get out of bed. Thanks for reading! Any idea what this could mean? What's your interpretation of this? I'm puzzled.