Ball Crasher

Date: 1/19/2018

By TempusVernum

As I was driving away from my neighborhood, I looked out my window to see a very strange car, with the front of a Volkswagon cruiser and the back of an old luxury car. The front was filled with flashing lights like a spaceship and was being driven by a young woman. In the back were two impeccably dressed old people, as if they were going to a ball. The car got out of my sight, but when it reappeared, the new part was in the back and the old in the front. The young woman was now also impeccably dressed. When it disappeared and reappeared again, it was entirley an old car. I decided to follow them to see what was going on. As I did, more beautiful cars and people appeared until we arrived at a mansion. When I got to the door, there was a butler man who was acting as a bouncer. I wanted to go on this adventure so badly that I just gave him ambiguous answers about who I was until he presented me with a signature pad that said "Cale." I'd apparently convinced him that's who I was. I signed Cale's name and then the bouncer and I argued for a while about why the signatures didn't match. I told him his was misspelled and eventually he let me in because he liked me. I was dressed like a raggamuffin, so the next order of business was to find nice clothes. I had one ill-fitting, somewhat ugly dress with me, but I came across a trunk with some nice girl's clothes. I grabbed an armful of dresses and tried them on in a bathroom where the stall doors were so small it was hard to squeeze through, but the inside was roomy. After settling on a white, pleated and beaded JC Penny dress (classy, I know), I slipped out and figured if I could avoid the butler, no one would be the wiser as to why I was there. I didn't take into account the girl who owned the dress I was wearing. This party turned out to be for her birthday. She saw me from across the room and started asking questions, but was nice enough that she wanted to hear my story. I told her we needed to hide, so she brought me upstairs. We slipped up the stairs in the dark so no one would see us, and then she said she had the perfect spot. Somehow, she shrunk us down so we could ride on a toy train that went all around the house, and as we were, I told her my story. I don't remember much of the dream before this storyline, but I know it had something to do with me putting on a performance of Matchmaker and not knowing my lines and, due to some impending doomsday storm, me and everyone in town had to hide in a huge bunker. After leaving the bunker, I came to the mansion. What I told the little girl was that I was at a sleepover and due to the storm I had had to stay two days instead of one which is why I didn't have any nice clothes and had to steal hers. She was perfectly fine with my crashing her party for adventure. At this point, the poor butler who's really a sweet guy is panicking because he realized he let someone in who's not supposed to be there and now the princess of the party is missing. The parents are freaking out too, and they realize we must be on the train. Our train is heading straight for their room and we decide it's time to fess up. Before we can though, she looked at me and said, "You get out of these situations with either dumb luck, or a hint of ingenuity." Then she winked, and I woke up. Also, at some point before this, probably in the bunker, I was running around the gym at gymnastics but it was like a school gym. Then they told us we had to crawl around the gym. I had some interaction here with a girl whom I can't remember.