worst nightmare

Date: 10/10/2017


something to do with my dad not caring, but I was trapped in this place with all my friends where this woman covered up I. petrol and it sprayed from the cieling and she as gonna set s alight, I discovered the door was open and leave from it. she says what are you doing and I say obviously leaving so I don't get burnt alive. I want to run away, she goes inside to check everything and I run away since that guy with a big afro. we both get caught quite soon, but I argue my case and say I should get a court hearing. I get sent home where I'm only allowed in my garden and house and start to go crazy. my dad is being really mean and I scream and him and his unfairness. he said I disserved it somehow. then there was a house party at Eilidhs and I was there and I went into her green house where Alana had been trying to grow drug plant from pills, I found all the pills she had tried to plant, there was is many of them. there was woman trying to sus me out and Alana takes one while she's watching but says it's her medicine. we ask the lady why she is there and she says to find dark places for the national geographic. then she say I would be perfect to take a picture of and I say only if I'm hiding and then realise what she means and say fuck you.