Back to school

Date: 9/18/2019

By kaelasuzanne

So most of the dream I’m back in my old high school (I am 24 and a full time employed adult who graduated with no problem) and I’m wandering around the halls with a class list. I keep telling people I need to go to the office to sort this out. Why am I am 24 year old in class with a bunch of 16 year olds?? Well I can’t remember how but I met up with my ex bf from back then (note he was aged like me) and I picked him up in my car and we went somewhere. I then had to leave suddenly (I think for work) and I left his ass behind. He got a ride home with my mother? And I later texted him saying “Wanna hang? Or fuck?” And I guess he didn’t like getting treated like a booty call cause he got very mad. And I woke up laughing about that cause he’s a dick. (Normally dreams about this ex give me anxiety so this was a nice change)