Looting an abandoned world, falling through glass and it being in my hands when i woke.

Date: 12/31/2017

By BigDog

I had a very vivid dream, it was one of those dreams you can't decide that when you wake up, if it was a dream, or it happened the day before... I wandered with a party of 5 or maybe six, a neighbour from across the street, a girl from college who im no longer friends with, one of my best friends, someone else i didnt know and i cant really remember the last person. we were looting and gathering from various places in a town which was mostly fields... juxtaposing to the high sky scrapers that were dotted around. apparently the group decided that the best loot would be at the top of these towers. But in order to get to them we had to climb and clamber over a variety of walls, fences and obstacles. we eventually got to a field where there was a hill, upon climbing the hill we reached another impassable obstacle... It seemed the wall we thought was impassible.... wasn't. We made the task much easier by working as team. beside the point. we had reached a garden, mostly overgrown ivy and grass pouring out of the long thin stretch of green house that seemed to be the only route to the other side of the wall...... We slowly moved across the top of the glass structure with ease at first. But I soon became over confident and I put pressure on a structure that couldnt hold my weight. Feeling the surface fall I fell on my side to recover my position but to no avail. I began to slide down the glasshouse collecting fragments of sharded glass from broken panes in my legs and hands. It felt like touching splintering ice for each spike felt like a shuddering pain that ricocheted through my body. I reach the end of the roof and dropped a good length, enough to break legs upon landing in a rush, the guide followed my descent and tried to aid me. But looking at my twisted legs and hands with large silver shards petruding from them, I could feel the pain first hand. The party looked helpless and I continued to scream, acting like it wasn't as bad as it felt as I knew I'd be left behind...