decapitation/zendaya/evil substitute teacher?

Date: 10/24/2020

By sugarbelle

in this dream, I had this friend and he was a skinny older man, like a janitor or somthing. At some point in the dream, he either killed somebody or he got killed by decapitation. I was trying to help him but I think he got caught. When I got away I turned into zendaya when we were driving away in the car. The car crashed I I don’t really remember what happened but I think I died this next part I was in a classroom with a small number of classmates. I don’t remember exactly who they were but I knew them in my dream. At some point they turned into a few of my friends by the end that I knew from real life. We had a substitute teacher that was just awful. When he walked in he went on his device and he was able to hack through all the phones and read everything that the kids have been talking to each other about him. They so that he was a fatter version of the football coach, and they just said a lot of mean stuff about him about how he probably has no idea what he’s doing. After he took all of our phones he said he was going to destroy all of her Hydro flask. He took them in the need for this liquid on them that shriveled them all up some kids ran and hid the Hydro flask they didn’t have to watch them get destroyed. He also took all of her make up because apparently it was Halloween and he wasn’t going to let us get dressed up. He changed his mind and let us get dressed up but he chose what we were and we had to get dressed under a certain time limit. He took her make up which sucked. I was supposed to be this character with red hair and a red outfit with half up half down pigtails that were buns I think. I’m pretty sure my character was the main one that was dating or had a crush on this other boys character. I don’t remember but I was really excited to dress up but of course we didn’t have a make up or anything. All I remember is when we were walking away to get her costumes on I saw my friend Blake De Leon. We had a school handshake when we walked by each other and then I was on my way. when we came back the sub was showing a video on his device. He was showing me and Sara and he said do you remember this? It was a video of choir and I thought it was of him so I said “oh yeah I remember!” Because I wanted to get him to like us. But unfortunately it was just us singing and dancing and he was trying to embarrass us. I don’t know how he found out that we were in choir in high school or anything like that but it was really weird.