Massive valley

Date: 12/17/2019

By IndridCold

I was telling someone a story about how I was on a long trip and stopped in a large valley to look around. As I told the story it was being recreated, I was standing in this amazing beautiful valley. The trees all had red leaves and there were high cliffs on all sides. I felt that there were wild animals there and so I flew up into the air. I approached a very large tree and saw a white wolf approaching. My fear made my ability to fly falter a little bit and I started to sink. But I concentrated on flying and grabbed on to a branch in the tree. The wolf began jumping and trying to snap at me, he was jumping extraordinarily high, like 20 feet high. I climbed up into the tree and went higher, other wolves arrived and also tried to jump at me. There was suddenly an old man in the tree, for someone reason I felt he was a news reporter, and he told me that he successfully hid in the tree for an entire night by hiding in this one particular spot where there is a wooden plank, so I went to search for an area with a wooden plank. I ended up finding a wooden plank on a branch, but when I crawled on to that branch it was skinny and bent all the way down to the ground and actually dipped into this depression in the ground. The wooden plank basically closed over the top of the depression like a lid and I was now in this covered hole in the ground. But I didn’t feel safe on the ground, even though now I couldn’t see the wolves anywhere. So I left the hole, but now I was somehow in like the attic space of a house, I looked across the attic to a doorway, and through the doorway I could see the tree and the rest of the valley. I was in this old house now that was a cross between a haunted house and a restaurant. The menu had various books on it, I was with a group of people and we were each supposed to choose a book and then get our hand sawed off by this industrial band-saw type machine! When it got to me I couldn’t remember the full title of the book, all I could remember is that the spine was orange and the title began with the word “celebration”. The person who was going to saw my hand didn’t know what book I was talking about, everyone seemed very confused about what was going on. I started talking to them about endangered tigers in Burma, and in the end I somehow managed to avoid getting my hand sawed off.