Lucid Minecraft Candyland Dream

Date: 2/3/2018

By Phoenixdawn

This all starts with me going through sleep paralysis. I tell myself not to be afraid and that I’m only dreaming. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I hear the most beautiful rendition of Silent Night as I’m waiting for the sleep paralysis to pass. I wake up in my room and immediately realize that I’m dreaming because my watch won’t work at all. I “woke up” maybe three times until I found out I could stabilize my dream by yelling “clarity.” The dream lights up and I find myself in Minecraft. Family and friends appear out of nowhere and give me tutorials about how to summon objects in a lucid dream. All I had to do is say “pickaxe” and the pickaxe appears laying on the floor. I spent the rest of the dream mining for cotton candy crystals and eating them. The dream ends when the ore I’m mining turns into a mischievous cotton candy fairy.