Commkn themes-lost, phone won't work

Date: 4/28/2022

By lauriemae

I went to meet a friend. I decided it was a nice day, so I would take my scooter instead of my car. It's real easy to get to my friends place. Pretty much no turns at all. Somehow I made a wrong turn and ended up lost. So I pulled over and tried to check my GPS. But I couldn't get it to work (very common theme in my dreams) so I sat down and kept trying. Then asked a few people how to get back to the highway. Then some guy sat next to me and layer his head on me. I told him to stop and it made me uncomfortable. There were a lot of other people around. He started to get handsy amd wouldn't stop no matter what I did. So I started to cry and yes for help. Luckily there were a few other men around and they got him away. So I decided to just leave and try to find my way. When I I to where I left my bike, it was gone. I asked around and one guy said he say some guys putting it into a truck. (Stolen car/bike, also very common theme) so I just started walking. It was about 5 or more miles home so I started to try to call people for a ride. Tried to call my friend I was going to meet and I couldn't get texts or calls to go through. (Another very common theme, usually I can't get phone to text or dial correctly. This time I could text and dial, it just wouldn't go through) so after walking a bit I found a grocery store. So I went inside hoping to use a landing to call my mom to get me. I'm freaked out and almost in tears at this point. When I entered the door it was a bar, then another door to the grocery store. So I asked an employee if I could just use a phone amd explained my situation. She tried to sell me a pre paid cell phone. So I went to another employee and he let me use the phone. It took me a few tries to get my mom's number dialed correctly, and it still wouldn't go through. At this point I was at my witts end and crying and didn't know what to do. I went back to the bar and just announced my situation and asked for anyone to please take me home and I'd pay gas money. Finally some younger guy offered to drive me. I was so thankful I was going to give him $20. So I was following him to his car and he stopped at a tent in the parking lot. Apparently him and his friends were camping out so they could drink at the bar and not drive. I was so desperate to just get home, I didn't even care if it was a drunk driver taking me home. So we get into his car an start going toward my home. As I am giving him directions, I started to second guess myself that I had even driven my scooter and maybe I had taken my car Instead and would feel really dumb if I got home and my car was gone, that would mean I had taken my car and not my bike. That's when I woke up.